dr turi blog
Posted on: March 23, 2021, by :

SHOW YOUR SUPPORT, JOIN THE COSMIC CODE AND ENJOY OUR DAILY GUIDANCE AND VARIOUS TRUSTWORTHY FORECASTS – Become a VIP today! It is my duty, it is my dedication to do ALL I have to do to get your donations back reader. Pride threw their evil malignancy trying to stop the light the same evil force is lurking back at them, but like science and astronomy, what does the “real” world really knows about hidden  intrinsic energy, the spirit and the stars? Like a well oiled gearbox the Cosmic Code rules are impartial and knowing when and how to use those celestial winds can be used to channel the power to avoid or “create” what human call accidents. When I say close your eyes and concentrate deeply, some people can not perform or are unable to visualize the specific number on the screen of their mind, that’s all… In different circumstances some do, some don’t! Thus accepting the various ET’s agendas I teach in my lectures is not only new and far fetched but impossible for some to grasp! Knowing my ability and unarguable God given gift/curse I could only steal the show and they know it and it”s a big NO! Are endless religious wars an obvious sign of mental poisoning? Your feedback and support is also endless and keep piling up at http://www.pvhi.info/cosmiccode2010.html and http://www.pvhi.info/index.htmlfrom the Phoenix Voyage website and this is where I realize that my message is finally being heard. !,” read one tweet Thursday. My birthday came around in April of 2009 and my husband had wanted to pamper me up and have me go get refreshed with some therapeutic treatments as a nice gift. Thus let’s say you screwed someone of $2000, be sure you will have to pay thousands of dollars worth of stress, depressions, panic attacks, bad luck and medical bills! Thus he was as high as a skunk then and this may not be divulged to the public just yet to protect his privacy or for legal purpose. Yet He. WBC WILL PICKET THEIR FUNERALS! Well do not worry, your doctor will get a vein behind your leg and replace the congested vein by a brand new one. Do you see the IRONY reader that an “accredited” education does not mean owning intelligence and a valuable gift that can really serve America? Troubles in the US and the world is inevitable! Unaware of this ET’s cosmic manifesto, man’s folly lead by the reptilius deceptive subtle cosmic dance infected the mind of the greedy and powerful Clergy who realized God’s true manifesto could not be shared widely! Doe she drinks, takes drugs behave or dress weird? The benevolent Draconis (Gardeners of this world) are very different and regenerate your soul with creativity, love and light. As mentioned in the video, my SOS to the world windows are not be publicized any longer, only our precious Cosmic Code private website VIP’s are warned and have full access to November 2019 SOS to the world deadly windows. I believe in the deity of Jesus Christ and that his Supreme essence supersedes as well as works throughout celestial time. And the super-conscious evil forces  does not need a physical address to find you…  And the evil wind act as a solid spiritual wake-up call that will do quite a lot of damage to them. In reality you are far from healing yourself but receiving only a quick and financially exorbitant fix. Toute reproduction intégrale ou partielle des contenus, données et informations disponibles est illicite et peut donner lieu à des sanctions. January – http://pressexposure.com/Dr_Turi_TV_Show_In_Tucson_AZ-227721.html, February – http://pressexposure.com/The_Cosmic_Code_Reality_Show-227729.html, March – http://pressexposure.com/Dr_Turi%92s_Next_Global_Teleclass-227715.html. This happens all the time but you are probably unaware of it. One of Brigitte Uncle was Christian, he had to adopt the Jewish religion in order to marry his wife and now an Astrologer joined this insane family lol. $25 deal got to order then locate the $25 “2011 Moon Power” option. The list is so long that it begs two sobering conclusions: First, some degree of aggression is inevitable to the human condition. , which is precisely why none of it provides a correct or complete explanation.”. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America.” Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. None of those performances will harm anyone and will indisputably heal you or bring about serious relief. Yes I wish Mr. Conman and Mrs. Demi Moore was born November 11, 1962 and like all Scorpios she needs to remove the stinger and KILL the destructive Lizard eating her soul and her family alive! Pem ////. Prenez RDV en ligne avec Dr Elisabeth TURI: Gériatre, Conventionné secteur 1. All experts in the field say it doesn”t work! These evil souls obsessive infected mind will only stop channeling the power when they are notified of their victim’s demise. This is insanity at its best where everyone from both side of the production  were totally obnoxious and ignorant of the damage they are inflicting on the future of humanity by manipulating dark forces they have no clue of! Is he a bully? Stay clear of anything UN-natural and you will live a very long life, take medications or anti depressants only if you have tried and exhausted natural Healing ways first. Over the past 100 years, research psychologists have studied the root causes of aggression. Gather the golden keys to what it means to human and join us today, Nostradamus’ 16th century Divine Astrology methodology (forensic Astrology) is unmatched… If you are into psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience or smart and curious  about the human mind and the human experience, JOIN US NOW! Rather, this worst aspect of human nature happened in a complex web of known forces yet to be uncovered. It is only when you experience it mentally and physically that you realize there is much more to the world of metaphysics than science could never explain! With “STEM ENHANCE & STEM FLO” the power of the two combined shift the adult cells where they need to be right away and solve the problems needed to be worked on at once. Think for example of a person and, all of a sudden the telephone ring, or think of someone and it appears in your dreams or in real life just around the corner. I had enough of being a victim and I knew by listening to my little voice (intuition) that somewhere, somehow, I was not doing the right thing and I was determined to find out. But understanding the conscious or subconscious process involving witchcraft practices should be taken very seriously, because its happening all the time and is very real. You may call 602-265-7667 or email Terania at: teraniapromodir@gmail.com. I can assure you a phenomenal response and an experience the attendance will cherish for the rest of their lives. As one works for one thing, there is always something for something else. ALL DRUGS are lethal to your body PERIOD! Jesus’ cosmic ministry and mine are exactly the same and so are our fate. You will be challenged to the extreme and hear and see things you never heard or seen before…, Invitation to join us in San Diego UFO Society November 3rd, 2019. At least this is what the Draconis do to all unconscious humans to control their thoughts and actions…. As adults, they lack empathy or anything that resembles a conscience. My cosmic teachings are the same but no “polluted” with religious nonsense. Its really amazing what one can find  about anyone”s secrets and I want to thank a couple of people who are gifted in this type of “detective” work. New beginning/ending. It relates life on Earth to the Earth’s environment, and seasons are the most dramatic effect, which is why we use the tropical zodiac,” he said. It was sex hotline instead. I  ”HAD” kind of a bad news to share with you reader: A good chunk of the public donations or 2000 dollars was stolen from me by Mr. Conman and and Mrs. Greedy and I am waiting for my friend Gary Busey”s attorney feedback to help me recover the money I so badly need to produce my TV show “The Cosmic Code” with Dr. Turi. Earth / 5 / 42 %   (Practicality – Carrying actions out – Very High) Each leads Americans to wonder why it happened and what can be done to prevent it from happening again. Red Fire Wind Water To Dance 16th century portal on late 19th century building. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Indeed with the tail of the Dragon (negative) in the 12th house (subconscious)  Cyrus Reed Teed, was a perfect target for the reptilius to lead him into religion, deception and misinformation! Indeed all my enemies have “infringed” the universal laws and brought to themselves an inescapable well deserved karma! However this ridiculousin this yet ridiculous laboratory experiments fears triggers involuntary actions, because anyone would perceive any gun as dangerous. In the long run the drug may be worse than the arthritis itself and many have shortened their lives by many priceless years. In the in attempts for more money the doctor’s wife had somehow persuaded me and my husband into the purchase of a laser package that were to be done in small steps I was so pressured and thought I could trust the professionals… But instead of the doctor doing the job on the day of my appointment, (he wasn’t around then and hardly ever was there) his unskilled with the new lazer machine wife seriously messed me up by burning both cheeks and my forehead. Dog the Bounty Hunter pays tribute to his late wife on her birthday The immense power of the Hidden Dragon is the utmost destructive conducting energy to use in black magic. Great idea. john@halloran.com, http://www.wmctv.com/Global/story.asp?S=13872069. ” of important phases of life! Dr. Turi and a mother’s warning: If you have white teen sons, listen up …, “If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.”  Watch the future! Other smarter politicians are fully aware of this fact and simply wait until Trump hang himself on its own, and its happening! How many times did you read on CNN of a father driving his car in the river with his kids still inside? Now look around you and see a nation of obese people walking (I”d say driving) the city streets with a negative self-image loaded with depression and anxieties. Your government, your churches and your failing educational system is inadequate and stubbornly refusing to recognize the reality of our celestial communion with God, the stars and the Universe with an open mind. “It”s part education, it”s a lot of interaction, and it”s small class settings. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”, If we use Astrology for entertainment purposes only, no matter how inspiring it could be, without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person distinguish Divine Astrology critical values from pseudoscience? Mount Sinai is mentioned many times in the, What came down from the sky on Mount Sinai then, was a reptilius scout ship that escaped the Draconis, The reptilius came-back in 1947 but  one of their scout ships was destroyed  by the Draconis near Roswell New Mexico. http://cosmiccode7.ning.com/events/0123-on-the-air-with-linda, The sad story of Mr. Conman and and Mrs. Greedy. SHOW YOUR SUPPORT, JOIN THE COSMIC CODE AND ENJOY OUR DAILY GUIDANCE AND VARIOUS TRUSTWORTHY FORECASTS – Become a VIP today! Doing so will help you upgrade your cosmic awareness and realize how God speak to us via the signs I translate for you everyday in my cosmic work. Some souls are real blessings, sent by God to offer true help and further unselfish wishes while others are sent from the infested dark forces to stop your progress. So I will email you all that I have if you decide to see deeper into this mess and provide me with your help. They are mathematically and geometrically elegant, as opposed to the irregular groupings of stars known as the constellations, which is what the Minnesota astronomer and media talking heads are ultimately referring to. Your donations to beat the EVIL of IGNORANCE and  save this world from total spiritual collapse are welcome…, Motivational Speaker / Natural Healer / Audience Hypnotist, “Your Future is Nothing Else Than the Reincarnation of Your Thoughts.”. Because of the content making up the production of yet another national religious “sermon” in disguise, the  financial support is indeed coming from. The goal is making and selling medicine sought as efficient healing products to the uneducated trusting masses. One of the full UFO slide presentation, the other “The Power of the Super-conscious” where at the end of the lecture you can, like the entire audience did, see the power of Draco in action. Common sense must apply and has someone educated told me what I have learned now after my terrible ordeal with cancer and my natal stars (or dragon) trust me I would never ever have attracted the disease. The good news is, once a month, starting March 2020 Tom Danheiser in his. Here is a dated copy of the email exchange with Tom Danheiser George’s producer, offering those dates and warnings to post on CTC popular website…, October 2019 SOS to the world deadly windows, Posted by Dr. Turi on September 28, 2019 at 9:35am in VIP universal – daily forecasts…, October 28 (Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window), Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light All I have to say  to the scientific community and skeptics alike is; beware because you are not informed on certain subjects does not mean the essence of these phenomenons are not real, nor can be applied to benefit or hurt you in our daily life. LAURENT TURI est au 55RueDE ROSEMONT à 62130 dans le SAINT-POL-SUR-TERNOISE - Medecin . In conjunction with his Moon (emotions) and his Sun (soul’s purpose) in Aries (war/weapon) and a mixture of Puritanical Virgo (cleansing/perfectionist) did the terrible job to act as a cleaner, a justice bringer and  a sacrificed warrior. “He never let it go,” the source said. Neptune “The Lord of poisoning” can be used for bringing infectious organism to the intended victim who ends up dying mysteriously. Now if the Law Enforcement administration, our infantile science, the current US educational and political system, USGS, NASA, NOOA and the NWS, the producers of “Race To Nowhere #1” and all the TV and radio “talking heads” I have contacted and now reading my work have  MISSED the OBVIOUS PHYSICAL SIGNS, imagine them UNDERSTANDING the  type of SPIRITUAL SIGNS I have trying to convey them for so many years? Memphis!”  Imagine how many Astropsychology schools and how many “Teachers of Light” positions I could offer society with $4 million reader? He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”, The fact is; doctors are not cosmic conscious and logically translate pain into serious ear infection but it was something no one, including my doctor, could understand… Since then I never had any ear problems after this episode…, November 8, 2019: California dealing with two wildfires and a massive power shutoff: Note also the prediction was made public October 16, 2019 , offered in  my You Tube channel and in the Cosmic Code private website a full month ahead of time! This planet rules also the animal kingdom and how they treat themselves with their own natural weapons (claws/fangs etc.) I have no mal intentions in reaching out to you, only spreading the love and the energy that was given to me that I”m still pursuing further. Neptune disposited by Saturn – (willing victim) Dr. Turi is fairly new on my radar so I was very happy when I received a YouTube notification saying that he had uploaded a new video. But gee do I need you to help me to get this done. DT Rebuttal: Again the writer must be directly or indirectly involved in the “cleanup process” to have his “essay” on CNN and available to the entire world. Christianity, organized religions tempered Jesus’ initial cosmic ministry; which was designed to introduce humanity to “Our Father in the Heavens…” In other words, the spiritual legacy left by the 3 wise men following the stars to Bethlehem. I believe with all of these things together, anyone can notice a big difference and start to have a brighter outlook on this existence; like Dr. Turi and I did…. In doing a standard background check, this might not have been looked into. Once launched, the evil eye will reach its target and its victim forced to experience a streak of bad luck, sleepless nights, cold sweat, depressions, suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, health problems, accidents, and in extreme cases, even death. An horrific drama that makes all the traditionally educated “experts” loaded with “Piling Higher and Deeper” giving you NOTHING tangible but ridiculous assumptions to explain what makes Jared thick and why this awful drama took place again somewhere else? And doctors wrote in a medical journal Friday that physicians should stop prescribing Bextra, which like Celebrex and Vioxx is in the COX-2 inhibitor class of painkillers. I guess she must be financially starving and totally unashamed to steal the public”s money and done NOTHING to deserve it…, Indeed I donot wonder why Mr. Conman and and Mrs. Greedy attracted each others but in my case who has to learn something me ot them? I was tired of staying in to hide my face and even when I did go somewhere the ridicule was ridiculous and I still stood strong but I couldn’t go on like that any longer. Again there is NOTHING your doctor can do! But who cares? It”s to be expected over again in the future. “Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy, and religious imagination does the rest. The Fenton Perspective Revolution Radio once again 12/2/09 – 8pm PT. Since Mercury is currently retrograde, (affairs and people of the past) this is a perfect time for you to revisit my work! Good day to you , Media promotional letter for you. Calm Deception To Strike. They have never been taught how to deal with the causes that lead to depression and it is their way (quick fix) to deal with stress. No end in sight for Lebanon anti-government protests – Raw power challenges police deadly villains And for sure there won”t be ANY side effects, because I DO NOT prescribe any dangerous drugs at all. From A Cardiac Specialist! My job in the office is very demanding with so many emails and telephone calls coming all day and from desperate clients living in Europe and Australia right in the middle of the night. “God created the stars and heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. I will also perform mini readings for some lucky listeners. is wise and will bring disaster And does not retract His words, But will arise against the house of evildoers And against the help of the workers of iniquity.” (my emphasis.) All you have to do is; once you join, email teraniapromodir@gmail.com. The natural blood transfusion will upgrade both your physical and spiritual vibrations. Note also that unless you undergo a Full Life Reading with me and let me cleanse and prepare you subconsciously; the changes and healthy habits needed to bring about a better and productive life could be hard to reach. KidsFirst Blog; Calendar; Submit News; Archive; You are here. “Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Satan’s Minions.”, “Verne Troyer and Art Bell suicide explained.”, A 7-year-old is in critical condition after being shot while trick-or-treating.”, Five men acquitted of rape because unconscious teenage victim didn’t fight back.”, Family seeks answers in mom’s vaping death.”, She allegedly told boyfriend to kill himself and he did. Saoirse Kennedy Hill OD, she was reptilius infected! Your very conscience (your safeguard) is just trying hard to save your butt. As with any complex event in human behavior, this one cannot be explained by any simple univariate theory. /search Call it karma or the perfect justice imposed by the universal rites and cosmic ceremonies that so many young souls ridicule! After all I should know better yes, you bet I do…. In someone who is predisposed, other noxious triggers include physical pain, excessive heat, insult, jealousy, loss of self-esteem and social rejection.

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