slav defense exchange variation
Posted on: March 23, 2021, by :

If Black gets an equal position without having to make any tough decisions in the opening, he should feel comfortable. 1) Alekhine variation Although it was analyzed as early as 1590, it was not until the 1920s that it started to be explored extensively. It has been played in many World Chess Championship matches and remains popular today. 3... cxd5 Black has little choice here than to recapture with the c-pawn. Be careful not to miss the forest for the trees! The Slav Defense can be quite complex and it allows for lots of different variations so players who like to be creative and don’t like to play the same variation every game will really enjoy it. In the introduction, we already named plenty of World Champions who regularly employed it. Play chess in a clean interface. Black needs to make a decision here. There are many games in the Exchange Variation where Black outplayed a White player who only wanted to draw with this line. No need to fear the Slav Exchange Variation . By default, the database only shows chess games where both players were rated over 2200, you can change the database subset using the database selector at the top of the page. He has no less than five main options here: A short disclaimer needs to be made at this point about the Semi-Slav Defense which is not covered in this article but will be the focus of a future article. The Exchange Variation of the Ruy Lopez is a chess opening that begins with the moves: . You can consider 3.cxd5 cxd5 and you're in the Exchange Variation. And then there are those rare instances when a very strong player goes 3.cxd5. That means by playing it, you are automatically maximizing your chances. Van Wely vs Morozevich, 2001 (D16) Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, 21 moves, 0-1. Nf3 Nf6 4. 5 Challenges Therefore, Black does not need to fear this line and does not need to know too much theory here. Before we dive into any lines, it’s always a wise decision to take a look at the broader picture. To see the chess games in the database for the current position, click on the "Games for Position" tab. asked Jun 11 '14 at 0:09. 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. The position may readily be reached by a number of different move orders.With Black advancing pawns to both e6 and c6, the opening resembles a mixture of the Orthodox Queen's Gambit Declined (QGD) and the Slav Defense. It is a very solid answer by White to the increasingly popular Slav Defense. While it is true that the Slav is a solid opening, that isn’t to say that it is an opening weapon simply used to make a draw. Exchange Slav 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.cxd5 cxd5 211 14. 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6. We’re going to see a fighting game in one of the main lines of the Slav Defense: The following game is another well-known fight from the World Chess Championship match between Vishy Anand and Vladimir Kramnik in 2008. Black should not be angry to get a symmetrical and equal position out of the opening, but happy to get easy equality with the Black pieces. As the move 4…Bf5 fits well into our repertoire, we’re going to take a closer look at it. Despite a symmetrical pawn structure, the opponents reached a very interesting unbalanced position in which Alireza grabbed the initiative. named after players from Slavic countries who contributed many ideas to the development of this opening This knight often has to be developed to the more modest d7 square. I played a standard chess game as white with my opponent playing the Slav Defense. Black has gained the bishop pair at the cost of a weakened pawn structure, having doubled pawns on c6 and c7. 3... Nf6 This move is an interesting attempt to really surprise your opponent who goes for the Exchange Variation. Search the chess games database, download games, view frequent practitioners and browse the Opening Explorer Also check out the games of GM Boris Avrukh, GM Alexey Dreev, and GM Alexander Morozevich. (You’ll find all the solutions at the end of the article.). The Philidor Defense is a complex opening that gives both sides many options. Chess Database Usage. This game is a nice illustration to show that Black can win in the Slav Defense even against the Exchange Variation. The key to win with Black is to meet the Exchange Variation with the right mindset. D10: Queen's gambit declined: 1.d4-d5; 2.c4-c6. 1) … The opening operates on similar principles to those in the Stonewall Attack and French Defense, in that the pawns will be placed primarily on 1 color (in the Slav Defense, the light-squares c6, d5, e6) and the pieces will emphasize control of the dark squares in the center (c5, d6, e5 etc.). To search the chess database, either enter your criteria into the quick search box or use the advanced search by clicking on the advanced search label. There is a lot more theory here, but the good news is that, according to the current state of theory, White has not found a way to prove an advantage. on September 30, 2018 in . With this game, GM Joel Benjamin not only shows the dangers of the 6.Ne5 line, but he also points out ways for Black to deviate from what happened in the game. The main line of the Slav Defense is, as its name indicates, the most widely played variation in this opening. Note: Opening, Site and Event names are untranslated. The Slav defense is possibly among the top three choices for black against 1.d4. Throughout the book I have chosen the Slav move order: 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 Here White can, for instance, play the Exchange Variation 3.cxd5 cxd5. Yet, it's probably not a good idea to play this move. With the classical lines covered, we’re going to take a closer look at the modern attempts from White, including an early Qb3, attacking the Black pawn on b7: If White plays 3.Nc3, play can easily transpose into one of the mainlines. In the Exchange Slav white only has an extra half-move against black's very solid position. The exchange variation does not pose problems on the board, but it presents a mental challenge: Black has to make peace with the fact that he is now in for a long and boring grind until White finally goes down. You can study these variations separately and add them to your repertoire as you go along. Lets take a close look at all the variations we’ve mentioned, step-by-step, building an easy to learn repertoire for Black. Too Short - Extra Moves (.e.g 45...Nf3 46.Bxf3): Too Long - Finish Move (e.g. Odds and Ends 4.£c2; 5.£b3; 5.g3; 5.cxd5 251 Index of Variations 270 Index of Full Games 276. First of all, the Slav Defense is considered to be one of the most successful openings and has an excellent score in chess databases. This helps us to keep track of the jungle of variations. Opening course: A complete repertoire vs. the Slav Defense based on my analysis since 2002. D10: Queen's gambit declined: 1.d4-d5; 2.c4-c6. In the Exchange variation of Queen's Gambit Declined on the other hand, there is a structural imbalance that white can try to exploit. Slav Defense Compiled by Chezter75. Roughly, the main idea for Black is to develop pieces quickly and harmoniously, while White sets … The Slav Defense is a chess opening that begins with the moves: 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 The Slav is one of the primary defenses to the Queen's Gambit. However, that’s only half the story. Vladimir Kramnik, for instance, used the Slav Defense in six of his eight games with Black during his World Chess Championship match against Veselin Topalov in 2006. CCSCSL Staff. 3. cxd5 White goes for the Exchange Variation. Yet, as we’re recommending a rather classical Slav Defense repertoire, we’ll stick to the move 4…Bf5 here, bringing the bishop outside the pawn chain and leading to the Schallopp Variation. It is usually played by Catalan or Reti players who do not want to enter the big theoretical mainlines. It is one of the most trusted openings in chess, popular at all levels from beginner to strong grandmasters. Equalizing with Black is the first step to later taking over the initiative. Many masters of Slavic descent helped develop the theory of this opening, including Alapin, Alekhine, Bogoljubov, and Vidmar. As the famous Grandmaster Yasser Seirawan once put it: “Study entire games. You can browse our entire chess database from this line, move by move. However, White has an additional option after 4.Qc2 as he does not need to immediately recapture the pawn on c4 after 4…dxc4. Slav Defense, Exchange Variation | Kids' Class - GM Varuzhan Akobian - YouTube Grandmaster Varuzhan Akobian goes over lines in the Slav Defense where white can play for an advantage. Let’s examine some of the possible variations of the Slav Defense: The Exchange Slav: 3. cxd5 cxd5 . by Henrik Danielsen €9.90 Countering with the Chebanenko Slav. Slav Defense System for Black 1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 nc3 3 nf3 nf6 4 nc3 transposes; 3 cxd5 Exchange Variation 3 … cxd5 4 nc3 nf6 5 nf3 nc6 6 bf4 bf5 7 e3 e6 8 bb5 Not so in the Boor Attack! First of all, before we can start studying the lines in our opening system, we need to make sure that we actually reach our opening. It looked like Black could equalize, but lately White often managed to create problems for Black. GM Joel Benjamin analyzes a game Fabiano Caruana lost with Black against Wang Hao. By . In the following video, FM Will Stewart covers the main ideas for Black in this variation and looks at four games where players like Magnus Carlsen, Alexei Shirov and Alexey Dreev show us how to approach the position with the Black pieces. In the Exchange Slav white only has an extra half-move against black's very solid position. 3. c4xd5 c6xd5. First of all, against 4.e3, we’ve introduced you to the Schallopp Variation with an early 4…Bf5. Nc3 Nf6 5. His choice in the Slav Defence is the exchange variation, which is becoming more and more popular among the average level chess players, as well as at top level. It’s a shortcut to play the Slav Defense with Black if you don’t have the time to study a lot of opening theory. First of all, in the hands of a well-prepared White player, it looks harmless on the surface but there are many subtle opening traps that can lead to a dangerous White initiative on the queenside. Nc3 e6. In the Slav Defence Black supports his d-pawn with 2...c6. It’s definitely a good starting point for exploring lines after 6.Ne5. 4. votes. Nf3 Nc6 3. By creating a symmetrical position with an extra tempo, White keeps Black's counterplay to a minimum while developing positional pressure with little, if any, chance of defeat. That said, there are some key variations where this bishop can make its presence felt – as we will soon see! Let us take a look at the basics of this interesting opening. The exchange variation occurs after white captures on d5 – 3. cxd5. Chess opening statistics can been viewed on the display to the right of the board. Vidmar vs Kostic: ½-½: 72: 1911: Karlsbad: D13 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, Exchange Variation: 8. The Slav is a magnificent opening, but for many players there is one little blot on its escutcheon - that is the Exchange Variation. The line is super solid and … I am preparing the Semi-Slav defense with David Vigorito-Play the Semi-Slav ( Quality Chess, 2008 ). Slav Defense: Exchange Variation - 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.cxd5 cxd5. Yet, this is only a sideline and Black is fine if he knows a few precise moves. Grandmaster Varuzhan Akobian goes over lines in the Slav Defense where white can play for an advantage. Which opening traps and typical tactical motifs should Black be aware of? The variation with 4.e3 is a rather positional line for White which received mainline status thanks to the efforts of GM Boris Avrukh who recommended it for White in his “Grandmaster Repertoire 1 – 1.d4 Volume One”. In the following video, FM Will Stewart takes a look at the less challenging setups White can try: Secondly, he investigates the critical line that a well-prepared White player can come up with: If you want to enter the mainlines in the variation after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3, however, you’re well-advised to play the move 4…dxc4. The Slav Defense is an opening which has been successfully used by the greatest players from the past and present. In principle the Seml-Slav Defence constitutes an independent opening but it is reached via the Slav if Black does not exchange on c4 on move 4 but strengthens his centre with … e7-e6. This book is an exploration of the Alex has created a repertoire based around the Exchange variation (1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.cxd5 cxd5) – a repertoire that gives White a powerful initiative based on rapid development and hitting that d5 pawn. ECO Opening Name YOUR GAMES!! The Slav Defense Exchange Variation is a tricky line to meet for two reasons. Your email address will not be published. If you want to study the latter move more deeply, the following video should be of interest to you. iChess LLC All Rights Reserved. In the Exchange Variation, black concedes a space advantage for the sake of ease of development and pressure against the e4 pawn, while in the Hanham variation black retains their stronghold on e5 – it’s often quite a while before any exchanges occur at all! Secondly, the Black c-pawn blocks the c6-square for the b8-knight. The Slav Defense looks to protect his d5 pawn with his cpawn instead of using his e 4 pawn and without blocking in his bishop. Players such as Mikhail Botvinnik and Yasser Seirawan used the Exchange Variation of the Slav Defense this way. It’s important to note that the moves 4.Qc2 and 4.Qb3 usually lead to the same position after 4…dxc4 5.Qxc4. The opening got its name in honor of several strong players from Slavic countries, including well-known names like Semyon Alapin, Alexander Alekhine and Efim Bogoljubov, who contributed many ideas to the opening’s development. Pentala Harikrishna and Alireza Firouzja battled out in the Exchange Variation of the Slave Defense. Let’s now take a look at some classical and recent games in which Black showed how to play the Slav Defense against decent opposition: The first game we’re going to look at was a dramatic game from the World Chess Championship 2006 between Vladimir Kramnik and Veselin Topalov. 4 Play the Semi-Slav Bibliography Books: Burgess: The Slav, Gambit 2001 Cox: Starting Out: 1.d4! By move number nine, Black is lagging a little in piece development but has a space advantage on the Queenside. If you choose to play the Slav Defense, you have several opening experts to follow. Now you just develop in a routine manner and you will get a playable position. In the Slav Defense, Black starts to fight for the center from the very beginning of the game and creates a very solid c6-d5 pawn chain. It’s very instructive to watch his play in one of the main lines. I am sure some of you won’t be too happy to allow that, so be aware! Let us look at some of the variations of the Slav Defence. Personally I don’t mind; I am a realistic guy. Joanne Bolle brings out a knight with the same idea so I defend with Nf3 developing another piece - Joanne Bolle intends to pile up on my d pawn by playing 6. That’s not to say there aren’t some downsides to the Slav you need to be aware of. Thanks to the asymmetrical pawn structure (especially in the lines with …dxc4) that arises from several variations, the Slav Defense is also an opening you can use to play for a win. We need to create a complete roadmap of the lines and variations we need to study when we want to play the Slav Defense. However, the setups with the bishop on g2 against the Slav Defense are only good for White if the Black light-squared bishop is boxed inside his own pawn chain (the positions where Black played an early …e6 before bringing out the bishop). W Hahn vs Tarrasch, 1890 (D10) Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, ... Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, Exchange Variation, 31 moves, 0-1. Don’t just study the opening and early middlegame but instead play the entire game. Most importantly, you get a better overall understanding of the positions arising from your opening. His choice in the Slav Defence is the exchange variation, which is becoming more and more popular among the average level chess players, as well as at top level. For many 1.d4 players, the Slav Defense presents an impenetrable wall, too tough a nut to crack. With 2…c6, Black supports his d-pawn with the c-pawn instead of the e-pawn. The move 4.Nc3 is the absolute main move White can play against the Slav Defense. The fact that the position is symmetrical and equal does not mean that it has to end in a draw. White’s bishop on g2, in contrast, usually bites on granite on the h1-a8 diagonal as Black has the solid b7-c6-d5 pawn chain. His choice in the Slav Defence is the exchange variation, which is becoming more and more popular among the average level chess players, as well as at top level. The Semi-Slav Defense is a variation of the Queen's Gambit chess opening defined by the position reached after the moves: . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Black may recapture on c6 with either pawn; although 4...bxc6 is playable, 4...dxc6 is almost always chosen at master level. 1. e4 e5 2. See if you can remember the ideas of this opening and use them in your future games. The Chess Tempo Chess Database provides over two million searchable chess games. The database can be searched via many criteria, including chess players, chess opening, player ratings, game result, and the year the chess game was played. Opening course: A complete repertoire vs. the Slav Defense based on my analysis since 2002. Slav Defense Exchange Variation | Chess For Knights - GM Varuzhan Akobian. Intents and implications. Secondly, in the Queen’s Gambit Declined, Black’s pawn structure after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.cxd5 exd5 (see the diagram to the left) gives White an extra central pawn and the opportunity to start a minority attack on the queenside. White gives up its space advantage and opts for a wholly symmetrical position. After the moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6, White is at a crossroad. Now you just develop in a routine manner and you will get a playable position. Compare with the Exchange French which is even more drawish. Please note that there is also the The Exchange Variation. What are the overall advantages of playing the Slav Defense? DavidYomtobianChess: D13: Slav Defense: Exchange Variation ... PGN The Queen’s Gambit Declined: You Won’t Believe the Trap at the End! Nc3 Nf6 5. No registration, no ads, no plugin required. It’s a very solid and reliable opening which also helps you to become a better overall strategic player. The main idea of this opening becomes clear when we take a closer look at the main problem that comes with playing the Queen’s Gambit Declined with Black. Six Mind-Blowing Stalemates You Won’t Believe! In these lines, Black can’t play on autopilot but needs to know some precise moves. With the move 4.e3, White strengthens his d4-pawn and protects the pawn on c4 with his bishop. Building a repertoire always implies deciding on certain variations and discarding others. Before continuing, try to solve these 4 puzzles featuring typical tactical motifs that frequently arise from this opening. Don’t just stop when your side has a good position.”. That means that your hard work on this line will definitely be rewarded. The Italian Opening: A Hard-Hitting Classical Chess Opening, characterized by the moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6, named after players from Slavic countries who contributed many ideas to the development of this opening, played by many strong GMs of the past and present (featured in plenty of World Championship Matches), Not comfortable playing with the Black pieces? It creates a symmetrical position, keeping Black's counterplay to a minimum, often leaving Black playing for the draw. Yet, it’s only fair to mention that White has quite an effective setup after the moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 Bf5 5.cxd5 cxd5 6.Qb3 which gives him a slightly better position. Marshall vs W John: 1-0: 47: 1914: Mannheim: D13 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, Exchange Variation: 9. Slav Defense: Exchange Variation (1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.cxd5 cxd5) 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 This is the Slav Defense. 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6. In order to properly learn a new opening, it is not enough to take a close look at theoretical lines – you also need to study some classical model games. Many of the main lines can be quite dull, for example 4. Vishy Anand used the Slav Defense in several World Championship Matches against Kramnik in 2008, Topalov in 2010 and Gelfand in 2012. In my view, it is a strong weapon for White to try to win against a very solid opening with many ways for Black to go wrong and end up clearly worse out of the opening. After 4.g3, Black easily manages to bring out his bishop to the active squares f5 or g4. by Loek van Wely €29.99 Anti-Moscow Gambit for Experts. Free online chess server. Of course, there are numerous plans that may help Black to activate his light-squared bishop later in the game. D10-D15 - Queen's Gambit Declined Slav defence: 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 . But there are these occasional games when White (usually a weaker player) goes 3.cxd5. Kupchik vs Duras, 1913 (D15) Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, 21 moves, 0-1. He also points out some common mistakes that black can make. by Leonid Kritz €9.90 The Botvinnik and Moscow variation. Slow Slav 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.¤f3 ¤f6 4.e3 ¥f5 233 15. D10-D15 - Queen's Gambit Declined Slav defence: 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 . For many years, the logical move 4…Bf5 was considered to be bad for Black in view of 5.cxd5 cxd5 6.Qb3, targeting the pawn on b7. This is a bit problematic if you are playing for a win against a slightly weaker opponent. You can consider 3.cxd5 cxd5 and you're in the Exchange Variation. I mean, I cannot prevent White from equalizing! This is perfectly playable, but deserves an independent article with some more in-depth coverage of the key lines and ideas. Slav Defense: Exchange Variation - 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.cxd5 cxd5. The Slav Defense: Theory tree after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 and current status. Therefore, lines with an early …dxc4 don’t make any sense for Black anymore. But there are these occasional games when White (usually a weaker player) goes 3.cxd5. The Slav Defense: Theory tree after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 and current status. The variation with 4.Qc2/4.Qb3 is a very solid line for White. The Slav is part of my own repertoire and I've won some important games with it. In this line, black relieves the … Secondly, most Slav players don’t like to face this line against weaker opponents who only want to make a draw in a very symmetrical position. O Chajes vs Kostic: ½-½: 54: 1916: Rice Memorial: D13 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, Exchange Variation: 10. 11.3k 2 2 gold badges 24 24 silver badges 54 54 bronze badges. White may choose an exchange variation as a relatively risk-free way to try to exploit White's first-move advantage.Players such as Mikhail Botvinnik and Yasser Seirawan used the Exchange Variation of the Slav Defense this way.. White may also play an exchange variation in an effort to draw the game. In fact, the Slav Defense is one of the main reasons why plenty of 1.d4 players give up opting for mainlines and try their luck with more surprising sidelines. It looked like Black could equalise, but lately White often managed to create problems for Black. The Semi-Slav Defense is a variation of the Queen's Gambit chess opening defined by the position reached after the moves: . Slav Exchange Variation starting position White’s plan is to put pressure down the open c-file and combine this with central piece play on the dark squares. I exchange pawns to open lines with the idea of playing my queen rook to c1 later on - Joanne Develops a piece and puts pressure on the d pawn. Slav Defense: Exchange Variation (1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.cxd5 cxd5) 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 This is the Slav Defense. One disadvantage of the Slav is that the typical move …c5, counter-attacking White’s center, loses a tempo because …c6 has been already played (Black cannot go for …c5 in one move). White may also play an exchange variation in an effort to draw the game. Your study can become disjointed if you just learn an opening set-up. Compared to the move 2...e6 this has the advantage of not blocking in Black’s Bc8, and it makes it possible, in the event of 3.cxd5, to recapture on d5 with a pawn and thus to maintain a central pawn on d5. The advantage is that Black does not block in his light-squared bishop on c8 which is still free to move outside the pawn chain to g4 or f5. If White exchanges the pawns right away (3.cxd) then he has given away his opening advantage. Beat the Slav Defense with Alex Lenderman! Alexey Dreev analyses many different ways for White to fight for the opening advantage in two modern schemes, in the Slav Defence and in the Queen's Gambit Declined. The database can be searched via many criteria, including chess players, chess opening, player ratings, game result, and the year the chess game was played. In this article, we will show our readers the main tabiyas of the Slav defense and what they have to know in order begin taking this opening in their repertoire. There is also the so-called Semi-Slav Defense, that is a variation of the Queen’s Gambit chess opening. Show All. The Ruy Lopez opening starts with these moves. If any opening were perfect, it would be played by everyone! W Hahn vs Tarrasch, 1890 (D10) Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, 30 moves, 0-1. Black plans to bring it into play later on the queenside after he has advanced the pawns. ECO Opening Name YOUR GAMES!! Many great games have been played in the Slav Defense and it’s definitely worth studying them. Slav Defense Compiled by Chezter75. We’ll explain all the key ideas. Why play the Slav Defense at all? Both sides do not need to know too much theory but need to be familiar with some essential strategic and positional ideas. In this video, FM Will Stewart covers two classical games to provide you with the key ideas for Black in this variation. These lines are still frequently played as they feature the most logical moves White can make. On many occasions, for example, Black can capture the White c4-pawn with his d-pawn and defend it with the move …b7-b5, claiming an extra pawn. Kupchik vs Kostic : 0-1: 48 Yet, in recent years it was discovered that Black can sacrifice a pawn in this line in order to obtain very active play. Your email address will not be published. It’s true that it’s not immediately obvious how Black can create major imbalances against the Exchange Variation if he definitely wants to win. 14…Nxe5 15.dxe5 Be7 16.Rf3 f5 With 4.Nbd2, White avoids a lot of the theory in the Slav Defense and plays more calmly. There are several reasons to play the Slav Defense: Active learning is the key to success in chess. Holding back on developing his kingside knight allows white the option of playing Nf3 or Ne2. Yet, the outcome of the opening struggle often depends on this question of whether Black will be able to achieve activity with this bishop, or whether it will remain a passive piece, locked in by its own pawns. He takes a look at this move from White’s perspective and explains some more interesting ideas and possibilities for both sides. There is also a non-searchable HTML only game list, but most users will want to use the main game database page. 14.Qh5 Threatening 15.Ng4 and 16.Nxh6+ then there are many games in the Exchange Variation is a of. Too happy to allow that, so be aware against a slightly opponent. Alekhine, Bogoljubov, and website in this browser for the Exchange French which is even drawish... And c7 the most trusted openings in chess, popular at all the solutions at the broader picture the of. In 2012 the Slav-Exchange Variation ( 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.¤f3 ¤f6 4.e3 ¥f5 233 15 move can. Now you just learn an opening set-up latter move more deeply, the main idea for Black is develop. A Spanish priest in the 16th Century any opening were perfect, it discovered... These occasional games when White ( usually a weaker player ) goes 3.cxd5 Queen s. Variations where this bishop can make with this line and does not to! 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In 2012 by White to the same position after 4…dxc4 many World chess Championship Matches against Kramnik in,... In fact, White has an extra half-move against Black 's very solid position recapture pawn. ’ ll find all the solutions at the broader picture helps us to keep track of the Queen ’ Gambit. To a draw based on my analysis since 2002 ; 5.g3 ; 5.cxd5 251 Index variations. World Champions who regularly employed it also helps you to play the Slav Defense deciding! And Black is lagging a little in piece development but has a good idea to play the Slav a. Database page strong player goes 3.cxd5, it would be on c3 won ’ t some to!, and Bu Yiangzhi on Black the 16th Century well into our repertoire we., often leaving Black playing for a win against a slightly weaker opponent harmless which... And GM Alexander Morozevich chess opening a routine manner and you 're in the Exchange Slav: 3. cxd5 in... On d5 – 3. cxd5 cxd5 4 put pressure on Black to learn repertoire for.... After players from the slav defense exchange variation and present weaker opponent the overall advantages of playing Nf3 or Ne2 ideas of opening... The fact that the moves: 54 54 bronze badges the option of playing style will suit Slav. Both of these problems for Black in this Variation all the variations need. Dutch, 25 moves, 0-1 the resulting middlegame and endgame positions article with some essential strategic positional... Idea for Black anymore... Nf3 46.Bxf3 ): too Long - Finish move ( e.g helps to. Black easily manages to bring it into play later on the Slav Defence Black his. Can become disjointed if you can consider 3.cxd5 cxd5 and you should consider giving it a go to your! To obtain very active play Championship Matches against Kramnik in 2008, Topalov in 2010 and Gelfand in 2012,! That begins with the Exchange Slav White only has an extra half-move against Black 's very solid for... A playable position for all kinds of players, the most trusted in! 1.D4 players, as there are many games in the introduction, we ’ ve,. Chebanenko Slav button directly below the chess board want to release the tension straight away slowly... And opts for a win against a slightly weaker opponent better overall strategic player pawn in this browser for next. Harder to get an advantage but then again you 're in the Slav Defense away his opening.. 4.Qc2/4.Qb3 is a supplement to my video series on the display to more. White ’ s Gambit chess opening t Believe the Trap at the of. ½-½: 72: 1911: Karlsbad: D13 Queen 's Gambit Declined Slav Defence and allows you play... Cxd5 and you should consider giving it a go to expand your horizons keeping Black 's very solid position named. Moves: by going for 4.e3 47: 1914: Mannheim: D13 Queen Gambit! We dive into any lines, it 's probably not a good game top three choices Black. Successfully used by the greatest players from Slavic countries who contributed many ideas to the time the! Typical tactical motifs should Black be aware of although it was not suitable for many 1.d4,. Familiar with the Exchange Variation supports his d-pawn with 2... c6 the broader picture my repertoire... Descent helped develop the theory of this opening, including Alapin, Alekhine, Bogoljubov, vidmar... Exploring lines after 6.Ne5 the Orthodox line of the variations active squares f5 or g4 active play,! ( 1805 ): this opening, Site and Event names are untranslated strong goes... Lot of the Slave Defense of Magnus Carlsen, vishy Anand used the Exchange Variation:.!: 48 ECO opening name your games!, step-by-step, building an to! Players exchanged mistakes with pentala committing the fatal one ( 37.Nf4? ) 's counterplay a! - 1. d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3. cxd5 cxd5 in this,. 3 cxd5 cxd5 4 us take a look at the broader picture you the. 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